Marsh Green Primary School
Kitt Green Road Marsh Green Wigan WN5 0EF
All Enquiries please call Miss Young *01942 222016*
SENDCo Miss Parkinson -

Protected Characteristics


The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. 
The Equality Act protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have.
Under the Equality Act, there are nine protected characteristics:

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Gender reassignment
  4. Race - including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  5. Religion or belief
  6. Marriage or civil partnership
  7. Sex
  8. Sexual orientation
  9. Pregnancy and maternity

No form of discrimination is tolerated at Marsh Green Primary School and our pupils show respect for those who share the protected characteristics. 
We do not teach about all the protected characteristics in every year group. The curriculum is planned and delivered so that our pupils develop age-appropriate knowledge and understanding during their time at Marsh Green Primary School.


All Enquiries please call Miss Young *01942 222016*
SENDCo Miss Parkinson -
*All calls are recorded*
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